Where to find spirit bases diablo 2
Where to find spirit bases diablo 2

where to find spirit bases diablo 2

  • Fixed an issue where the Burning Instinct power on the Sorcerer Paragon board did not account for Base Critical Damage in its damage calculation.
  • Fixed an issue where the Skeleton Warrior upgrade for increasing Thorns damage was not properly applying.
  • Fixed an issue where Caches with World Tier conditions could be brought into higher World Yiers and provide rewards for that world tier.
  • Fixed an issue where pressing any button on controller while Dazed would halt all player input.
  • Fixed an issue where Airidah’s tornados would cause the player to be stuck in a knockback state if hit by multiple tornados at once.
  • Fixed an issue where Rogue players would remain invisible to other players after using the Concealment Skill in Fields of Hatred.
  • Fixed an issue where Barbarian players would get stuck between Bone Walls after using Charge.
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would not zoom out when joining a World Boss encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where Corpse Tendrils would cause the corpse visual to disappear.
  • where to find spirit bases diablo 2

    Fixed an issue where players were unable to teleport to Cerrigar while in the Cerrigar and Cerrigar Outskirts subregions.Fixed an issue where equipment with socketed Gems couldn’t be mass-salvaged.Fixed an issue where Spider Host enemies would remain upright after exploding and dying.

    where to find spirit bases diablo 2

    Fixed an issue where the Insatiable Fury and Mad Wolf’s Glee items prevented Druids from transforming into the Werebear or Werewolf Forms.Fixed an issue that resulted in a crash or freeze if players entered the Untamed Thicket dungeon during the Fangs of Corruption quest.Fixed an issue where progression could be blocked in the Cathedral of Light Capstone dungeon in Kyovashad.Fixed an issue where the level 100 Pinnacle Boss would appear again with no health bar if killed during a specific phase.Fixed an issue where characters could be damaged and killed during the Stronghold completion cutscene.Fixed an issue where enemies could spawn behind the Sealed door in the Cultist Refuge dungeon, blocking dungeon progression.Fixed an issue where the Those Who Call the Storm event would place a permanent de-buff on the player that would gradually drain health.Fixed an issue where the Those Who Call the Storm event wouldn’t register as completed.Fixed an issue where certain Whispers couldn’t be completed.Fixed an issue where players couldn’t engage with the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon boss.Weekly bonus caches from world bosses no longer have a level requirement for opening.ĭiablo 4 1.0.3 Build Bug Fixes Dungeons, Events, and other Activities.Players can now teleport to their Nightmare Dungeon directly through the map.The Helltide Roaming bosses will now more consistently drop higher quality loot.

    Where to find spirit bases diablo 2